While it is still winter here in the Southern Hemisphere, something in me feels as though it’s spring.  Maybe part of it is my brain seeing our winter plantings of violets, pansies and red kale on my frequent trips to the nursery as I build my new meditation garden, but more likely it’s a more internal sort of spring.


You see, eighteen months ago, I nearly died.  After three weeks in the ICU, I came home to convalesce with no certainty of a full recovery.  Cared for by my daughters along with an incredible team of healers, I have recovered nothing short of miraculously from being poisoned in a way we are told hardly anyone survives. So, while there is much rehab still to do, there is even more to celebrate.


I recently turned 63 - a number I once considered elderly of course – and yet now see as a gateway to my third act.  I believe I have decades ahead of me to fill with joy, light, love and creativity (and far less drama!) so it seems as good a time as any to dust off my blogging, open up my website further and share my days with you as they come.

I’m delighted to be here, and to be in your company, exploring what it means to be human, to live out loud, to become ourselves as fully as possible.  Welcome back. 
